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The Student News Site of Palestine High School

Pioneer Pages

Pioneer Pages
Pioneer Pages

Cornel West

Presidential Candidate: Cornel West is a Write-In candidate

Age:  71

Party affiliation: Independent

Campaign Slogan:  Truth, Love, & Justice

Biographical information: Cornel West was born June 2, 1953 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Cornel West went to Princeton University and Harvard University.

Career: Cornel West is an American philosopher, theologian, political activist, social critic, and public intellectual who taught at Harvard and Princeton. Cornel West was also the first black person to receive a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Princeton University.  He has written 20 books and has produced three music albums. He is currently the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary.

Political Experience: Cornel West has never held a political office.

Issues stressed in campaign: Fighting for a society and world based on justice, equality, and the empowerment of poor and working class people of all colors.
