What I’ve Learned: Krescene Holscher

Krescene Holscher, Editor

These past four years have been a whirlwind. Our class has experienced so many new things together and has, sometimes, gotten in trouble for it. 

I have learned much in the field of academia. A lot of it, I don’t remember. Even more of it, I don’t think I will ever need to apply to my life, but that’s okay. A decent amount of it, I have held onto it, and it will serve me well. I learned my addition tables; I learned how to say the alphabet. I’m just kidding; that was in eighth grade. In high school, my math skills have gone much further than I could have imagined in eighth grade. I now know how to work with factorials…those are exclamation points…in math. My writing skills have improved (or so I think they have). Most of the things learned in my history classes have not stuck…sorry, Ms. Cutright. I do know that Johannes Gutenberg invented the first movable-type printing press! 

Emotionally, I have learned to bawl my eyes out when everything overflows. Sometimes, you get in too deep with your workload. You’re going to feel stressed as all get out. You can fight it for a week or two, but eventually it takes hold of you. That is when you sit on your bed and have a nice cry for twenty minutes. Once you have done that, you are good as gold and can over-work yourself for another month before the cycle just happens all over again! 

Socially, I have made many new friends. Being in college classes at Lincoln Trail has helped with that as has playing sports across the entire county. Some of the clubs I have been involved in led me to hang out with some people that I otherwise probably would not have. I am going to keep this in mind as I go on to college and make sure to get involved in hopes of making new friends.

Be sure to enjoy the gallery. I don’t think it is too long. After all, Mrs. Hyde said, “Five is the minimum, but you can put as many as you want.”