Video Game Night #2

Joystick flat icon. Playing online. Gamepad cartoon icon. Game controller. Cybersport concept. Console gamepad. Vector illustration flat design. Isolated on white background.

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Joystick flat icon. Playing online. Gamepad cartoon icon. Game controller. Cybersport concept. Console gamepad. Vector illustration flat design. Isolated on white background.

Wesley Adams, Entertainment

Earlier this year, Mr. Will put together a video game night on October 26th for all the students at the school. He just had an idea of doing something that would be great for all the students to do together. His hope was to just have a really fun time while playing video games. Since that night was such a huge success, he is planning on having another night just like that one on March 28th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, as opposed to the regular time of 3:30–6:00.

Just like the first time, we will have it at PHS, and it will be held in the cafeteria on the big TV. There will be a variety of games and many different kinds of consoles to choose from, along with snacks and drinks. The sign-up sheet is in the office, so please don’t be shy, and just don’t miss out on this exciting thing to do. If you are free that night, you can come and just chill with your friends and have a great time.