Pulaski Day

Keisha Wiseman, Contributor

If you didn’t already know, there will be no school on March 7th, 2022 because we will be celebrating Pulaski Day. 

Pulaski Day is a holiday mostly celebrated in Illinois. It is celebrated on the first Monday of March every year.  The reason why we celebrate Pulaski Day is that it is celebrating the birthday of Casimir Pulaski. Pulaski, also known as the father of the American cavalry, was a Polish-born soldier who has made history in American history and American Independence. We also celebrate Pulaski Day because of the number of Polish people living in Northern Illinois, like Cook County and the surrounding countries.

Some people may wonder what Pulaski may have done to get a holiday based on him? Well, Pulaski’s real name is Casimir Pulaski; he was born in Poland in 1745. Before Pulaski left to go to France, he fought for his home country against the Russians. He met with Benjamin Franklin before he decided to leave to travel to France. Pulaski came to the United States in 1777 to serve in and with Washington’s army and help the American cavalry. This is why Pulaski is known as the father of the American cavalry. 

In 1779, Casimir Pulaski was wounded in the battle of Savannah. Some sources say that Pulaski saved George Washington’s life during the Savannah Battle. It is believed that Pulaski was buried at a local plantation, but it has since been said that his remains were moved to a monument that has been honoring him since 1779.

We now know what Pulaski has done throughout history and why we have a day to remember him and what he has done for history through these years.