What’s Fair?

Whats Fair?

Katie Lanham, Editor

If you’ve ever gone to an elementary school playground, you’ve definitely heard the phrases, “No fair!” “That’s mine!” and “I’m telling!” Young kids rarely understand that sometimes, not getting what they want doesn’t mean they’re being bullied, or that someone is being mean to them. Sometimes it just isn’t their turn.

Most people grow out of the sense of entitlement that makes some kids think that the world belongs to them, and everyone else exists to be a part of their world. I think it comes with really understanding that people exist even when you can’t see them. Something about object permanence… However, in some people I think the urge to cry “Unfair!” doesn’t leave. The feeling that “anything you want, you deserve” makes for some truly unhappy adults. Part of growing up is knowing that things aren’t always going to go the way you want, or the way you plan.

Unfortunately some don’t experience that part, and still expect the world to account for their wants, while dismissing others’ needs. Any fast food worker you talk to will tell you that the smallest mistake in an order will have some people assuming that your intention is to ruin their whole night. Everyone knows that it’s frustrating when your order comes out wrong, but it’s the reaction that I’m talking about. I understand being asked to fix the mistake, but when a grown adult is yelling at a teenager, you have to wonder why. Honestly, it takes so much less effort to just accept that mistakes happen and ask for it to be fixed.