Are We Too Busy?


Gavin Postlewaite

Ever feel like you might be lazy or not making any forward progress in life? Chances are, you aren’t fundamentally lazy in your core, you’re just being stretched too thin. You’re paralyzed by too many desires. Your mind wants 1000 different things at a time, and this is what’s keeping you in a cycle of discontent and unhappiness.

When you ask most people what they really want in life, they’ll tell you that they don’t know. This lack of self-awareness is the root of the problem. You have to get to know yourself and   your strengths and weaknesses. I think it’s best to make a huge goals and dreams list, then pick your top 3-5. Now spend the rest of your life only going after these things. This eliminates the distractions and keeps you focused on what you really want, no matter how big the goal. There’s a plan for all of us, so quit resisting and stop giving in to the distractions.