Turkey or Ham at Thanksgiving?

Michlynn Churchwell, Contributor

What would you pick, turkey or ham at thanksgiving? I honestly would pick ham, because I don’t like turkey at all. But I do know a lot of people who like turkey better.

I think that we should make both just in case. As for me, I would only have ham, because I never think turkey is cooked right. My family makes turkey and ham, because some of us like turkey, and the other half of us like ham.

When I move out, I’m only going to make ham, because it will be my house so I’ll have that choice. And on the topic of choosing what to eat, I definitely would not make the sweet potatoes and marshmallows, I think they’re gross.

I think we should make a variety of things at Thanksgiving besides turkey. Everyone should agree on what to eat though. It can’t only be about you unless you live on your own.