LOVC Band Festival


Kelsey Lanham, Contributor

On Thursday March 21, two band students from the Palestine band were at it again.  This time Kelsey and Marissa Lanham were participating in the LOVC band festival.   The LOVC is the Little Okaw Valley Conference and they meet every other year at a different school in the conference for a concert that includes musicians from all of the participating schools.  This year the band festival was held in Oblong.

The band festival always features a guest conductor who isn’t from one of the participating schools and this year it was Steve Hardwick, who conducted a band comprised of students from nine different school bands, and included 147 students.

After meeting to practice together at 12:45, the concert was held at 7:00 that evening.  All students played in the concert band, and some also played in a jazz band.

Everyone was impressed by the big sound that the bands made, especially considering that they played a total of nine songs with only one 6 hour rehearsal to practice together.

Kelsey participated in both the concert band and the jazz band which was something new for her because she had not played much jazz music.  This meant she played a total of nine pieces of music.  Marissa only played in the concert band so she played seven pieces.

Most of the band members said that their favorite song that they played all night was the last song which was Bohemian Rhapsody.