It’s That Time of The Year, Again!


Mackenzie Myers, Contributor

On April 9, the juniors, class of 2020, will be taking the SATs! They have been preparing during their English 3 class on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the reading section (65 minutes with 52 questions) and the writing and language section (35 minutes with 44 questions.)

For math preparation, Mrs. Cohorst and Mr. Will will be holding a once a week SAT prep session during Pioneer Power, but these sessions have not started yet.  They will both also be prepping during classes that have a lot of juniors in them.

For the math section, the juniors will have a section of the SAT for which they will not be allowed to use calculators for 25 minutes to answer 20 questions.  For the second math section, they can use a calculator to answer 38 questions in 55 minutes.

The last section of the SAT is the essay section in which students will have 50 minutes to write an essay analyzing a reading passage. While not every college required We are cheering on the Juniors and wishing them good luck during this time!