Should seniors have to fill their class schedules?

Should seniors students be able to attend their classes and then leave the building? A lot of senior students that have to fill their schedule are very against it, while few support it. Why? There are different factors and point of views that each senior has on the topic. It can help or hurt seniors in their productivity and free time.
High schools should not let seniors take their required classes and leave. There are a couple of reasons: if a senior fills their schedule, it can keep their productivity up and stop them from slacking off, and it can hurt their grade. It also allows seniors to try random classes they never had time to take and, maybe, even introduce them to something they never thought they would like. If a senior was to only come for the classes they need, giving them more out-of-school time can be a dual-edged blade. Some students would use that time to work on going to college or working on schoolwork that they didn’t get it done in class. Other students would use that free time in a bad way, which can affect their chances of graduation and possibly future careers. Keeping them in school allows them to keep on track and not slack off too much. With it being their senior year, they will have the classic case of senioritis, but letting them have too much free time can also make their senior year worse by allowing them to get too comfortable and miss an assignment or test.

Should Senior students be able to take their classes and leave? A lot of senior students have to fill their schedule very against it, while few support it. Why? There are different factors and points of view that each senior has on the topic. It can help or hurt seniors in their productivity and free time.
High Schools should let students take their required classes and leave right afterwards. There are a few reasons on why this should be the case. One reason is that the student shouldn’t have to worry about other classes and getting other work done when they only need to take one or two classes. As long as a student only needs a couple classes, I don’t see why they should have to show up for the rest of the day to sit through classes that aren’t required for them to take. School is supposed to be a time to learn things, but also they shouldn’t have to do more than they need to do, if they don’t want to. It’s different if they want to take the other class, but when they want to just take the classes and leave, they should be able to do that. They should be able to take the required classes to graduate and leave.
This would also give students the opportunity to get a job to start making money for the future. This would allow them to make more money and become more successful.