Should students be allowed to wear hoods/hats at school?

A lot of students believe that you should be able to wear hats/hoods during school. While some think they should, there are a lot of people who think otherwise. In this article, I will try to prove why students should not be able to wear hoods/hats at school.
While some students believe they should be able to wear hoods and hats, it can be very dangerous. Some downsides to students wearing hats at school are that you may not be able to identify a student, you may let someone inside the school that you may not know, and you may not being able to tell if students are paying attention in class.
Some hoods that people wear are big. With that being said, if the student is wearing the hood, it could cover their face, making them unidentifiable. This could be just in the hallway or in class.
Letting an unknown person into a school can be very dangerous. While some people think that no one would be let in if they are unknown, if everyone is wearing a hood, they could be let in because they look like everyone else. If someone were to get inside and wasn’t able to be identified, the situation could escalate quickly. Whether the person is harmful or not, it could make people uncomfortable and unsafe.
Teachers should be able to have a clear view of students’ faces when they are in their class. They should be able to take attendance without any issues and see if the student is paying attention during class.
There are many issues that can come from students wearing hats/hoods that outweigh the pros of wearing them. Students should not be able to wear hoods or hats at school because it can cause safety issues.

A lot of students believe that you should be able to wear hats or hoods during school. While some think they should, there are a lot of people who think otherwise. In this article, I will try to prove why students should be able to wear hoods/hats at school.
Students should be able to wear hoods and hats in school for a lot of reasons. Wearing hats and hoods can help people stay warm, make people feel more comfortable that may be insecure, and it can help students express themselves.
Shawn Divine says, “Now days hats don’t really have affiliation with gangs. Hoods could be used to help students stay warm when the heater goes out and stops working.” People used to think that wearing hats could be a sign of gang affiliation, but that isn’t the case as much anymore.
Bennen Ramsey says, ” I think that in such a small school it should not matter, and that the teacher should be able to recognize who it is since the school is smaller and doesn’t have many students. A hat and a hood doesn’t cover someones whole face.”
Avry Monti says, “Hats are a style that people prefer to wear these days, and if I can wear them anywhere else, then I should be able to wear them here.”
These are just a few of the students at Palestine High School that would choose to wear a hat. There are many reasons that people wear hoods and hats and these are just a few examples.