Last night, January 10, PHS hosted a FASFA night for Seniors to come to the school to begin or start their FASFA. Mr Will and LTC helped make this night happen to help the students out.
The event was held in the PHS library and was from 6 pm-7 pm, and for seniors, it was important to go and fill out your FASFA — especially if you’re going to college. It is state required to fill out this form for when you go to college, and when you fill it out you get the chance to send it to 20 different colleges of your choosing. Filling out your FASFA is such an encouragement for students to do so, because it can help with things you’re going to need for college.
FASFA is the financial aid form for accessing grants, federal student loans and work-study funds, which is something so incredibly helpful for your future schooling. In 2022 the US Department of Education awarded about $111.6 billion in federal grants, loans and work-study funds. Those federal funds would assist about 9.6 million students in completing their education.
Most states now require students to fill out FASFA; that’s how important it is. Having Mr Will be generous enough to host last night’s FASFA night was a huge help for the seniors who showed up. Now it’s done and over with, and they don’t have to worry about it. A huge shout out to Mr Will, who is always looking out for the students and always trying to help them out.
The official deadline to fill out the 2024 FASFA is June 30th, so seniors who didn’t attend last night and have yet to fill it ou, please do it before it’s too late.