Drama Club Haunted Halls a Success!


Mackenzie Myers, Contributor

Mwahahaha! It’s that spooky time of the year again, when people get scared and shivers run down their backs, and that is exactly what happened at Palestine High School on the 19th and 20th of October. Palestine High School’s Drama Club set up their annual Haunted Halls and charged $3 admission fee on both Friday and Saturday night from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.

By the end of the weekend, Drama Club had raised $599 and welcomed over 200 people into the Haunted Halls. On Saturday, a line of people waited all evening for their turn to be guided through the scary school. Students like Chase Knoblett, Evan Holscher, and Dallas Kidwell, dressed like clowns and a nun, had to run up and down the three flights of stairs multiple times for each group to play their parts in multiple scenes around the school and then be in position for the next group released 6-7 minutes later.

Over 36 students participated in the Haunted Halls, and were involved in all of the planning, building, and executing of every part of the scary school event.  

While Mrs. Hyde sponsors Drama Club, she confesses that she is not brave enough to go to any other haunted houses herself.  “I am scared by something every time I walk through this one, and I know what’s going to happen in this one!”

All the money earned from the Haunted Halls will help pay for Drama Club members to go to either Beef and Boards or The Fox Theater in the spring.  Drama Club members will be voting at their next meeting to decide which trip they will take. Last year, Drama Club saw “Singin’ in the Rain” at Beef and Boards in Indianapolis; the year before, they travelled to St. Louis, where they saw “Lion King” at the Fox Theater.