Illinois Governor Election

Cover Photo for Illinois Election by NBC News

NBC News

Cover Photo for Illinois Election by NBC News

Chance Wilber, Editor

November 8th was the midterm elections all across the United States. Running for governor was Democrat J.B. Pritzker against Republican Darren Bailey and Libertarian Scott Schluter.

With all of the time he spent traveling around the state of Illinois Darren Bailey was sure he was bound to win the race, but llinois has always been a very Democratic state. Chicago controls the vote of Illinois because of its massive population. The final vote count according to The New York Times says that J.B. Pritzker beat Darren Bailey 2.1 million votes to 1.7 million votes.

The race was a fairly close race until the end when Pritzker took the lead and won the race. Governor Pritzker will remain our governor for the next four years.