The Army Wants YOU!


Bridgette Woodward, Editor

Last Thursday here at Palestine High School Sergeant Gordon came in during win to talk to the juniors and seniors about joining the army. He told us about all the traveling he does while in the army. Some of the places he has visited while enlisted are Hawaii, South Korea, Dubai and a few more. 

Juniors who are 17 can join now with parent consent, and do alternate training programs. Over the summer they can do basic training. Once they finish their senior year, they can go to a job school. For Seniors, the earliest they can get enlisted would be during the summer. They would then have basic training within 365 days after enlisting. To get started, you can set up an appointment followed by a meeting to figure out if you are eligible. If eligible, you then proceed to the ASVAB test. This is a test just to figure out what your strengths are. Once you receive your score you move onto the next step. With the score given from the test, is a list of jobs that they feel you would be best suited for. The best part is, you get to choose which job from the list you want. After you choose which job you want, you then have to get a physical. This physical is to make sure you are active on a daily basis and can handle the different training sessions. 

One thing a lot of people look at when joining the army are the benefits. These benefits include college being paid for, free health insurance, you could receive a G.I bill and the list goes on.  If you enjoy traveling, in the army there is lots of it. If you are interested in the Army, there are sign up sheets in the hallway to the left of the nurses office.