Senior Meeting!
The class of 2022 Jag day their sophomore year
March 11, 2022
Today during lunch there was a senior meeting to discuss things about graduation. Figuring out which unlucky students have to give a speech was one topic covered. Class flower, class motto and how we are going to present pictures of ourselves were some other topics. The class of 2022 decided on getting some senior shirts as well, but no design has been decided yet.
With only eight weeks until seniors last day of school and nine weeks until graduation we better get to deciding. Instead of doing a slideshow the class of 2022 decided on doing poster boards decorated with our pictures.
The yearbook senior photo will be taken on Main Street. Caps and gowns have already arrived at the school. Things are lining up well and just a few more things need decided on.
Class of 2022 graduation will be held at the pavilion on Main street on May 14th at 11:30 am.