Track Meeting

Gavin Postlewaite

Mr. Anderson in his room.

This year at PHS we are going to see a change in our track coaching. Mr. Anderson is the new math teacher this year, and he will have yet another role to fill. Yes, he is the new track coach, but before you make any assumptions, he has been a coach before. Not only has he coached track before, but he has also coached swimming and football. One could say he knows his way around the coaching role. He was asked if there was a good amount of kids who showed up to the meeting, and said there was about twenty kids who showed interest. Track will have its first meet at the end of March. March 30th is the first track meet this year and it will be held in Flora. We do not have any track meets in Palestine, so the closest one held to Palestine would be in Robinson. Tuesday, April 5 is the first one held in Robinson so be sure to show up to support us as much as you can!