Should Finals Be Before or After Christmas?

December 7, 2021
It’s about that time of year again where everyone starts to have finals! I personally hate having finals because of how much studying I have to do, but this year, PHS finals are taking place after our Christmas break, which I think is pretty silly. This brings up the question of whether finals should be before Christmas or after. Every year that we have had finals days, they’ve been before Christmas, which is how I wish it would happen again, but unfortunately this year, that is not the case. I think kids will be super happy to be on Christmas break, but then they will realize that we still have finals to take, and then it seems like everyone’s holly-jolly mood goes away. I asked a fellow senior, (Gavin Postlewaite) what he thought about having finals after Christmas, and he said, “It’s not that bad, but I would rather have them before.” Overall, everyone has a different opinion on when finals should be, but I think we can all agree that finals are awful.