Why You Should Get Senior Pictures Taken:
A photo of a camera. Photography is the foundation of Pioneer Pages.
November 3, 2021
Should you get senior pictures taken? Many say yes, and many say no. My personal opinion is yes, you should absolutely get them done. The reasons why are: memories, interests, and to see how much you’ve grown and changed. Some people take photos with their pets, cars, or friends. It’s fun to show your pictures off to your friends, family, and teachers too. Of course its always a plus to put your own personal senior picture in the yearbook instead of the traditional portraits you see year after year.
Some cons of senior pictures are cost, finding a photographer who isn’t booked to take them, or finding time in your busy schedule to get them done. With all of the possible cons included, I still think its an excellent idea to get them taken. You are only a senior in high school once after all!