FCA Meeting Wednesday the 5th

The FCA logo.

Gavin Postlewaite

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is having their weekly gathering at 6:30 on Wednesday. The regular group is Krescene Holscher, Katie Lanham, Makinley Bonesteel, Alysa Kennedy, Alivia Beabout, Zoey Beabout, Caitie Drury, Dannika Fulling, Shara Coffman, and the group leaders, Scott and Michele Mendenhall. New people are more than welcome to attend. What should you expect? Mr. Logan is serving food, salad, and dessert. Drinks will also be provided. They are very welcoming and accepting of anyone. They typically start out with group prayer and then eat. After, they have a group talk and discussion and end with a prayer. So, bring a friend and come have a good time at FCA.