Chili supper/Bonfire
PHS seniors pose in front of the bonfire after the Homecoming Parade Wednesday night. The Homecoming bonfire has been a PHS tradition for many years.
September 16, 2021
The 2021 Homecoming Parade was held on Wednesday, September 15, featuring a float from each class, firetrucks, junior high and high school cheerleaders and football players, and members of Homecoming Court and their attendants. The floats were judged and the winners were announced later in the evening. The juniors won first place, the sophomores won second place, the freshmen won third place, and the seniors won fourth place.
The parade began at 5:30 at the high school and wound its way to the grade school, where the Eagles hosted a chili supper in the PGS cafeteria for a free will offering. Following the chili supper, cheerleaders led the football players in a series of Tik-Tok dance routines and then ran a series of games on the field for the crowd.
The evening ended as it always does with a bonfire started by the football team and attended by members of all four high school classes.