New Staff at PHS!
September 2, 2021
There are a few new teachers at the school this year. One of these is Ms. Huffington. Ms. Huffington did not teach before she came to Palestine. “In the past, I owned 2 companies, managed a mall store, shipping yard, three automotive service departments, roofing company, worked in account payable and purchasing for a manufacturing company, and was a business annalist for state farm.” She did it all! Here at PHS, she teaches Marketing, Intro to business, Computer apps, Resource Management, and Work Experience.
Another new face here at PHS is Mr. Ochs. As far as teaching experience goes, Mr. Ochs has only worked as far as his mandatory student teaching required him to. He said, “This year is my first year on my own. Naturally, in that case, I was a college student and worked a part time job in retail before student teaching. Nothing glorious, but I did what I had to do.” Mr. Ochs teaches Algebra I, Algebra II, Physical Science, Chemistry I, and Chemistry II.

Yet another new face at the school this year is Ms. Wagoner, our new mental health specialist. Ms. Wagoner said, “After I graduated in 2019 with a masters degree, I worked as a school based therapist in Indianapolis.” Since she is the mental health specialist, she is not a teacher and does not have any classes. What she does here is pretty self explanatory being a mental health specialist. She also is a big factor in the “Pioneer Pantry,” now named “Kiersten’s Kloset.”