Homecoming Is Next Week!

Mrs. Hyde

The 2021 Homecoming Court: (back) Rider Lawhorn, Gavin Postlewaite, Tyler Dennison, Wesley Adams; (front) Halle Piper, Stephanie Rudd, Makinley Bonesteel, Krescene Holscher

Evan Robert Easton, Contributor

Homecoming Week this year is next week, Monday the 13th to Saturday the 18th. There will be a different dress up day theme every day, so be sure to check the article on this website or one of the flyers hanging in the hallway if you need to know what to wear each day.

Activities will take place all week, starting with Powder Puff Football at 6:00 p.m. on Monday night at the PGS football field. Admission is canned food or bottled water for the Palestine Food Pantry.

On Wednesday, the Homecoming Parade will start at 5:00 p.m. at PHS and end at PGS where the cheerleaders will lead an evening of games and fun on the football field.  The Eagles will provide a chili supper in the PGS cafeteria for a free will offering.

The week will end with Jag Day on September 18, in which the classes continue the tradition of competing against each other in a variety of games.  Points from dress-up days, daily games, and Jag Day will be tallied and the winning class will be announced at the end of Jag Day.

Homecoming will culminate with the Homecoming football game on Saturday, September 18, at 1:00 p.m. when OPH will take on Walter Christian Academy from Melrose Park, Illinois.  Homecoming coronation will take place during halftime.

The final Homecoming activity will be the Homecoming Dance on Saturday the 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the Main Street Pavilion.  Dress will be formal.  Refreshments will be provided at the Community building next door, and the yearbook staff will be on hand to take and sell posed couple’s pictures.