Pioneer City Rodeo Is Back!
One of several rodeo concession stands, ready for business.
August 30, 2021
With Covid cases lower than they were this time last year, we will be able to bring back our small town’s 60 year annual tradition for Labor Day weekend, the Rodeo. This year the rodeo will be taking place September 3rd though September 5th. As in the past there will be many other things going on around town that weekend such as, the Chuckwagon Breakfast and Main Street Market Madness. Friday the 3rd and Monday the 6th we will be out of school in order to properly enjoy the festivities.
Here is the schedule for the weekend:
—Friday Sept 3:
1st Rodeo Performance…7pm
—Saturday Sept 4:
Chuckwagon breakfast on main….7am
Free entertainment….7am
Main Street Market Madness….7am
Antique Gas Engine Exhibit and Swap Meet…all day
Crawford Co. Model Railroaders….8am-4pm
Collectors Belt Buckle Auction….9:30am
Jr. Pedal Tractor Pull on Main….10:30am-1pm
Main Street Entertainment…. 10:30am-1pm
Lunch With the Clowns…. 11am-1pm
Cornhole Tournament on Main St….1pm
2nd Rodeo Performance…..7pm
–Sunday 5th
Annual Church Service at the Band Shell…10:15am
Crawford Co. Model Railroaders…8am-4pm
Miss Labor Day Pageant on Main st……2pm
3rd Rodeo Performance… 7pm
Pre-Parade entertainment… TBA
Annual Labor Day Parade…10am
Miss Labor Day Pageant on Main St…2pm