April 1st Blood Drive At PHS

Weston Benton

The Student Senate of Palestine High school is hosting a blood drive on April 1st!

We always have a good number of students and community members come out to donate blood, but we would love to have even more! If you are 16 and don’t think you can donate, just have your parents sign a permission slip to allow you to give blood. If you are 17 or above, don’t even worry about getting a permission slip from your parents; it’s your choice to donate. If you can’t give at all because you are too young or something is wrong with your blood, you can help anyway by telling your friends and family to come give blood. You can save lives just by giving blood. Less than 38% of the population can donate blood, and every 2 seconds someone needs blood. Just one donation can save up to three lives.

Don’t miss your chance to be a life saver!