Tigers vs Oblong Panthers
February 14, 2019
Last night, the Tigers played the Oblong Panthers for the second time this season. Both JV and Varsity finished in victory, while JV went into overtime twice. Much like the Shrine game, the varsity players had to play to the best of their ability. It was a close game from beginning to end, with much pressure on the Tigers as time was running out, and the Panthers were up; it was crucial that they followed their shots and made their free-throws. Needless to say, we are good under pressure, because the Tigers were able to come out on top with a close score of 51-45, with only one injury. Trent Matthews was elbowed in the cheek, which ended up busting it open causing him to potentially have to get stitches– on his birthday! So happy belated birthday, Trent. We hope you feel better soon!