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The Highschool Blood Drive

The Highschool Blood Drive

Blood is one of the main parts of recovery from a surgery or an accident. Now while it would be easy if everyone had the same blood type, unfortunately everyone has a certain blood type, so successful recoveries require a lot of different kinds of blood.

From AB+ to O-, the only way doctors can get blood is from blood drives like the one being hosted in the Palestine High School Gym on March 26. This blood drive is held by the American Red Cross from 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM and sponsored by the Palestine Student Senate.

By donating to this blood drive, you are directly helping people in hospitals needing blood, but you are also helping one or more graduating seniors earn a scholarship.  According to Mr. Riley, Student Senate sponsor, PHS has currently collected 119 pints of blood this year. If we are able to increase that number above 150 pints of blood, the amount of the scholarship increase from $1,500 to $2,500. If we can bring that number to over 200 pints of blood during this blood drive and our final blood drive on May 21st, that scholarship will increase to $3,500.

As an added incentive, everyone that donates will receive an amazing Red Cross T-shirt while the supplies last.

Everyone is encouraged to come and donate on Wednesday. This is a great way learn what your blood type is (if you don’t know) while also helping hospitals that need blood for injured people.

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