The Pal-Hut Bass Team had their first practice of the season in the PHS Gym on Thursday evening.
Now you might be wondering why they are practicing where there is a hard-wood floor and not any water. We used plastic weights that are meant for practicing casts and fine tuning fishing reels without needing any water. Thursday’s practice was to help students participating in the team to work on their casting and something called flick casting.
Flick casting is mainly used for when you are in a brush area or need a very light cast into a point or down logged. It helps avoid side or overhead casting and reduces the likelihood of getting snagged into a branch above or beside you. The turnout to the practice was good and they had a little fun challenge of seeing who could cast the most accurately. The winner got the option of two baits from a bag of their choice.
The Bass Team has a good turnout this year and hopefully more practices will help kids that are new to fishing understand it more and help them become better fishermen.