Sunday March 2nd marked the day that the PHS Drama Club went to St. Louis. We went to The Fabulous Fox Theater to watch the musical Some Like It Hot!
Drama Club left the school at 8 am. We stopped at Wal-Mart before heading to the Foundry Hall food court in St. Louis. The Foundry Hall food court holds several establishments with specific and silly themes such as Intergalatic Burger, a burger place all with space themed food, or Steve’s Meltdown, with their entire cheese-based menu. Many people went to different areas, getting food and dessert.
When we reached the theater, we looked around the main lobby, snapping pictures of the amazingly ornate designs within the building. We found our seats (with much help and a couple of lost people), and got playbills.
The musical, Some Like It Hot!, as a brief summary, starts in Chicago in 1933. It shows problems such as the Depression, prohibition, and racism. The two main characters, Jerry and Joe, must find their way out of a situation with gangsters. The end up traveling with a band! Not just any band though. An all women band. They had to dress up, make new names, and join the band as women so they could get to California.
I’ll leave the summary there, in case anyone wants to go see it. But it’s a very good musical, with amazing music and acting. I would highly recommend to any musical fan out there!