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Senior Spotlight!!

Senior Spotlight!!
Marshall Duffield
Marshall Duffield

Marshall’s favorite high school experience was having fun game days and realizing that high school wasn’t as bad as it was made out to be.

His least favorite high school experience was in sophomore year when all of his senior friends had graduated.

The biggest lesson Marshall has learned is to not slack off and get behind in school work. It was a hard adjustment, especially when his grades started to slip. But, he pulled it together and learned to stay on top of school work.

Marshall has had plenty of goals throughout high school. He wanted to get all As, and have all the teachers and his peers like him “but then I slowly realized that although the first one is achievable, the second one is not. That may seem pessimistic, but it’s only the truth, because no matter what, not everyone will favor you even if you don’t do anything to them or say anything to them.” He went on to say that even if not everyone liked him, he was okay with that. As he had close friends and teachers he trusted, and that his goal now is to graduate so he can make new goals after!

Marshall’s advice for incoming freshmen is “Don’t worry about impressing everyone, or trying to fit in; it kills your personality. Be yourself unapologetically and the right people will pop up in your life.”

In ten years, he hopes to have gone to trade school, and be in a good trade that pays well. He wants to be able to buy a plot of land to build a good house for the family he wants to build.

Kristen Dunlap
Kristen Dunlap

Kristen said the only thing she enjoyed during high school was when her, Haylea B., and Haylee S went to bother Mr. Ochs when he worked at the school.

Her least favorite experience was having to take math classes and the SATs.

The biggest lesson Kristen has learned is to not trust people right off the bat. She has learned to wait and get to know somebody before trusting them.

When she walked into high school, Kristen had no clue what she actually wanted to do, or the goals she wanted to set for it, but throughout high school she has learned that she wants to go on to work in human services (social working) and help families to the best of her abilities.

Kristen’s advice for incoming freshmen is, “If you struggle, keep pushing, cause no matter how hard it gets, the outcome in the end will be worth everything!”

In ten years, she hopes to have graduated college and be working as a Human Services Social Worker. She also hopes to be taking care of the family she wants to build.

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