The student 5essential survey is a survey that allows the state to record Student opinion and keep a rating for each school in the state. In 2011, Illnois passed a new education legislation that later began implementing the 5essentials Survey statewider to collect student, teacher, and parent feedback on the conditions that affect student learning and school success.
The information collected in these surveys can be used by administrators to assess issues in schools, but it can also be used by families who want to check out schools they are considering for their children. The information collected includes everything from academic rating to graduation percentage to diversity percentages.
The website to find all this information for any school in Illinois is on
While this year’s surveys are just now been collected, Palestine High School’s 2024 SES(Student Essential Survey) has been finished and here are the ratings:
Graduation Rate: 94%
Avg. student class size: 10
Student Attendence: 88%
SAT scoring percentage:
ELA: 44% Partially meet, 25% approaching meet, 25% meets, and 6% exceeds meet performance level
Math: 56% Partially meet, 25% approaching meet, 19% meet performance level
Teacher Education: 36% with master’s or higher
13% are novice teachers
10% are out-of-field teachers
The Student to Teacher ratio is 12:1
88% retention
Teacher attendance: 86%