Up until recently, Mrs. Inboden was one of the teachers that had been working at Palestine High School for quite some time. Mrs. Inboden had been working here since 2013 before she just recently got a new job! What she loved most about working at the high school was the relationships she had built with the staff and students.
One of the parts Mrs. Inboden disliked was having to go grocery shopping at 6:30 am, (which is understandable because I don´t think anyone would want to get up that early for groceries.) Mrs. Inboden said that out of the three classes she taught throughout the day, Nutrition II was her favorite because they were smaller classes with just seniors, and she could help them develop skills and knowledge in the kitchen and in their daily lives.
A lot of things went on in Mrs. Inboden’s classes, but some of the crazier things that went on include when Weston Benton plugged in the mixer before checking to make sure it was off. It turns out the mixer was on high, and the powdered sugar in the mixer started flying absolutely everywhere. Then there was a time when Haylea Bachelor´s oven caught on fire because of a mechanical failure. (Authors note: it wasn´t my fault!)
Speaking of Mrs. Inboden’s new job, her new title is now Adult Basic Educator at the Correction Facility near Robinson. She just recently completed a week out of her very long training schedule, and she said that the staff and everyone is really friendly and helpful. She also says that she thinks she will really like it.
Mrs. Inboden is actually certified for teaching elementary school; however, the teacher that taught the Family and Consumer Science before her took a different position, so Mrs. Inboden wrote many letters stating her experience in catering, nutrition and small business administration. The state accepted her documentation and issued her a provisional certification, and not long after that, she started working at PHS. When Mrs. Inboden graduated high school, she was actually taking classes in college for banking and finance.
Mrs. Inboden said that she would always cherish and remember her relationships with the students and staff at PHS.