On the night of January 13th, a home game for Scholastic Bowl was scheduled. Both Varsity and Junior Varsity played that night.
The varsity team played two rounds, and grabbed the win for both of them.
Their first round was against Olney. The final scores were 160 to 260, a win by a hundred points for Pal-Hut.
Even with the three members of our varsity team against Olney’s six members, Pal-Hut Scholastic Bowl pulls through with flying colors.
The second round was against Marshall. The final scores were 130 to 210, another round taken by Pal-Hut.
Pal-Hut, was again, at a low member disadvantage. Our three against Marshall’s nine. But the number of members does not equal the ability to win.
While each member of Pal-Hut secured a correct answer during a toss-up (Gracelyn 1, Odin 5, Ailx 3), only one member was answering toss-ups for Marshall’s side. And that is what looks like a downfall for the Marshall team.
With everyone answering and gaining points, Pal-Hut pulls through with 210 points.
While it was a successful evening for Pal-Hut’s Varsity team, unfortunately, the Junior Varsity Scholastic Bowl team played two rounds and lost both of them. Not the highest moment, but there are more games to come!
It’s hard to hold a bad mood about the junior varsity losing when the varsity team did well and won both rounds! Good luck to the Pal-Hut Scholastic Bowl team when they have another match on January 21st!