Palestine student Christmas gift ideas: A girl’s list

Clothes are a good Christmas idea for girls. Girls love new clothing; they love dressing and looking nice. The cost of these could range from $10 to even more than $400.

Girls love jewelry, especially if it matches their clothes and goes with their skin types. Jewelry roughly cost from $5 to over $500. It just depends on where you get the jewelry from.

Perfume is bought the most for girls during Christmas. Girls love to smell good when they go out and do things. Perfume roughly costs between $20 to $70, but it really depends on what you purchase.

Girls love smelly goods. They love it when their lotion smells somewhat like their perfume. Lotions from Bath & Body Works, or even EOS lotions are something girls love to have because they smell really good. These lotions can cost anywhere from $15 to maybe over $70.

Hair Products are a girl’s best friend. A product that girls need is Heat Protectant because girls love to curl their hair or straighten it. This product roughly costs $3 to $24, or maybe possibly even more, depending on the product.

Girls love to stay warm during the cold season and what’s the best option for cold feet? Fluffy socks. Girls hate their feet being cold. At Walmart you can by a package of fluffy socks for $5 to $10.

If the girl on your list loves water bottles and has a collection, then maybe it is time to buy a Stanley, but remember– Stanley’s are not cheap. They range from $30 to $60 for the name brand.

Girls love candles; they love to keep their room smelling amazing. Some mostly like sweet scents and some like the stronger smells. Candles can cost a lot. Walmart candles are about $20, and Bath & Body Works candles sell them for about $30 each.

Girls love gift cards to their favorite places– for example, Sephora, Ulta, Ginger Ales, or even Cup of Joy. You also get to choose how much you want to put on the cards for them.

Girls love ear piercing and nose piercings. Ear piercings cost about $10 to $15 at Altered Image in Vincennes, IN, while nose piercings are $15 to $25.