The Palestine Homecoming dance was held at the high school on Saturday October 26, from 7-10pm.
It did take us awhile to figure out where we were going to hold the dance. It was going to be held at the Main Street Pavilion, but when we checked the weather for that day it was going to be too cold, so it was moved inside to the PHS gym.
This dance was an easy way to end a busy Homecoming week. Nobody cared about the points or who won,;we just wanted the time to enjoy being around our friends and have a good time, without being so competitive.
For our freshman, it was there first ever Homecoming dance. I’ve talked to a few of them, and they said they had a really good time at the dance. Sadly, this is the senior’s last homecoming week, and we are all going to miss looking forward to this dance; now it is just going to be memories we can hold on to.
The dance was well attended, and everyone had a really good time at the dance. The dance did, in fact, have a few songs that were played more than once, but that didn’t bother anyone too much.