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Going Off Campus

Going Off Campus

Well it’s finally here, this year’s off campus incentive. This year will run like last year but with some modification on what will take away your off campus privileges. Some of the new rules include,


  • Good Behavior with the addition of no abuse/overuse of cell phones
  • Good academic standing now includes that you must dress for PE

Now of course you still have the regular rules of,

  • Good academic standing
  • Good Behavior
  • Good attendence(No unexcused absents, No more than 3 excused absensces per quarter, and no Tardies)
  • You have to sign out of the front office before you leave the building
  • You can not drive or get in someone else’s car. In order for parents to pick up their kids for off campus they have to be signed out prior
  • And the important one is you have to be back by 11:59 or 12:37 depending which lunch you are in. Failure to do so can lead to your loss of the privilege for the quarter.

The off-campus lunch incentive will be on every Friday for both lunches. Remember that you can not be missing any work and have to have good grades and attendance to be able to partake in this off-campus lunch program. If anyone is caught abusing the off-campus lunch incentive, the student and/or school as a whole will also lose the privilege. Like Mr. Will says, make good choices.

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