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VU’s Got Chemistry


On Tuesday, 7 May, the Chemistry I class went on a field trip to Vincennes University hosted by the Science Department. We left at eight in the morning, leaving our things at the high school.

When we first arrived, we were met by Professor Hagemeier-McVay. We then compared the amount stated on the label of various snacks to the actual amount of the various snacks. Percentages got up above an 80% excess!

Afterwards, we had lunch. We were served ham or turkey sandwiches with cheese, grapes, chips, and chocolate chip cookies. We were also supplied with various condiments and water. Some students ate on a balcony. Were soon joined by another high school group.

Next, we mirrored the surface of bottles using silver nitrate. The bottles were provided by Mr. Tim Riley a week earlier in the form of sodas given to the students (root beer and orange crush).

Our final experiment was something most children and parents are well aware of, if not too aware of-making slime. While mixing our slime, we discussed how polymers are used in everyday life, from rubber balls to cotton clothing. We also were able to witness the creation of a polymer in the form of crude nylon. We were shown how when wet it was weak, but if allowed to dry it would become fairly sturdy.

That was not the end of our time at Vincennes University, however. Professor Hagemeier-McVay gave us a tour, showing us the vast majority of the buildings, ranging from the anatomy room to the theater. Afterwards, we left on the bus and went home.

Images provided by Mr. Tim Riley.

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Alix Bennett
Alix Bennett, Author
Hi! My name's Alix Bennett, and I like frogs (hence the frog hat🐸). I am currently a high school student here at Palestine High School as well as a dual credit student at LTC, and a summer volunteer at George Rogers Clark National Historic Park. I want to be an ecologist, as well as a writer and artist on the side. My favorite artist is Pidgin Dolls, and my favorite musicians are Penelope Scott, cavetown, and Skydxddy. I'm a Neopagan, which means my religion is based on natural cycles and the spirits thereof. My pronouns are She/Her. I'm a huge Pokemon and DnD fan, and I love learning about all kinds of things, such as frogs, insects, mushrooms, frogs, plants, geology, frogs, space, history, frogs, and other subjects. And also frogs. I like frogs. I want to be needlessly kind. If people can needlessly hate strangers, I can needlessly love strangers.

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