Time sure does fly when you are having fun. The last 4 years at PHS have been some of the best and worst times of my life. Even in the not so fun times, I have enjoyed high school and am very sad to close that chapter of my life.
Coming in as a freshman, especially after Covid, was not ideal. We had to wear masks and social distance which made starting a new school challenging. I loved the freedom of high school even if new protocols were applied. I am so thankful for my close group of friends to help make that transition easier. Volleyball season that year was moved to the Spring and track season was right after that. I met a lot of new people and kind of started to figure out where I fit in.
Sophomore year was one that I will never forget. I became close with Halle Piper and spent a-lot of time with her. She was a senior, so it was nice to have an upperclassman friend. I also made it to state that year for track and what a wonderful experience that was. I also got my drivers license that year and my first car. I started to have more freedom since I could drive everywhere. There were great things that happened personally that year, and some terrible things, like losing loved ones and friends. This year made me a stronger person by far.
Junior year started off by being a junior Homecoming attendant and spending more time with my friends. I got my first job and confirmed to myself that I like to spend money. Junior year prom came around and then there was only one. One year left at PHS!
Senior year. When they say time flies, it’s no joke. It feels like the year just began and here we are in our last week as seniors. Homecoming and Winter Ball dancing out hearts out. Multiple sleep overs and later night drives with my best friends, soaking it all in. Teachers like Mrs. Inboden who has had a big impact on my life. Track and volleyball season with the best teammates. Being named FFA president and fulfilling that role. But what takes the cake? Being named Prom Queen among my friends, family, teachers and peers. That is a memory I will cherish forever.
There are so many people I will miss and so many memories I will never forget. Here’s to the future, but I will never forget where it all began.