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IECC Summer Camps

Kindle your curiosity with Ignite Curiosity Summer Camps
IECC Summer Camps

IECC has a summer program going on where children, preteens, and teenagers can create new skills and learn new things about the world we live in. There are four participating colleges for the summer camps: Frontier Community College in Fairfield, IL; Lincoln Trail College in Robinson, IL; Olney Central College in Olney, IL; and Wabash Valley College in Mt. Carmel, IL.

If you want to print off a registration form, emergency contact information, and/or the liability waiver for any of the summer camps, you can find it here.

There are camps about renewable energy, paleontology, tie dying, culinary arts, origami, painting, writing and illustrating, American sign language, robotics, crime scene investigations, global art, science, basketball, crocheting, broadband, welding, jazz, cosmetology, entrepreneurship, biology, video game development, radio, podcasting, TV, video production, digital creation, and engineering. There are also several theater camps open this summer.

Each of these are a late morning to afternoon activity, and most of them are one day events. If you want to see if you need any supplies, although most will be provided, check their website. The costs of the camps ranges from ten dollars to over one hundred dollars. Each camp has an age limit, however, and many need to be registered for in advance, so get to it!

If you want more information, the IECC Summer Camps website is here.

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Alix Bennett
Alix Bennett, Author
Hi! My name's Alix Bennett, and I like frogs (hence the frog hat🐸). I am currently a high school student here at Palestine High School as well as a dual credit student at LTC, and a summer volunteer at George Rogers Clark National Historic Park. I want to be an ecologist, as well as a writer and artist on the side. My favorite artist is Pidgin Dolls, and my favorite musicians are Penelope Scott, cavetown, and Skydxddy. I'm a Neopagan, which means my religion is based on natural cycles and the spirits thereof. My pronouns are She/Her. I'm a huge Pokemon and DnD fan, and I love learning about all kinds of things, such as frogs, insects, mushrooms, frogs, plants, geology, frogs, space, history, frogs, and other subjects. And also frogs. I like frogs. I want to be needlessly kind. If people can needlessly hate strangers, I can needlessly love strangers.

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