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Pioneer Pages

Final Events at PHS


While entering May, there are a lot of events coming up. Some of these events include the whole school, and some just apply to seniors.

May 6th- Senior Signing Day

Senior signing day is taking place in the Palestine High School gymnasium at 2pm. The whole school will be attending and families are welcome to come and watch.

May 7th or 9th- Senior’s Last Day

This will be the last day for seniors, depending whether you meet final requirements or not. If you do meet the requirements, you will be able to leave May 7th. If you do not meet the requirements, you have to stay until May 9th.

May 10th- Summer Send Off

Freshman-juniors will be having a summer send off day. This is similar to a zap-day, and you have to be passing in all grades. This will be an afternoon full of games, activities, and fun!

May 13th or 14th- Caps and Gowns

Seniors will be able to pick up their cap and gown on May 13th or 14th. You can pick these up between the times of 8:00am-10:30am.

May 15th, 16th, 17th- Last Day & Finals for 9th-11th Grade

If you qualify to not take finals, your last day will be May 15th. May 16th and May 17th are scheduled final days for the ones who don’t. Odd classes will be on Thursday, and even classes will be on Friday.

May 16th- Graduation Practice

Seniors are to be here at 9am on May 16th. Seniors are expected to where nice attire and bring your cap and gown. After practice, seniors will go to PGS and walk the halls. Seniors will then come back to PHS and do hand prints on the wall.

May 18th- Graduation Day

Seniors will be expected to be in the PHS cafeteria by 9:40am. Seniors will then line up by 9:55am. Seniors have to dress formal, and may decorate caps as long as it is approved by Mr.Will. Graduation will start at 10am in the PHS gymnasium.

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