How has being on the Staff of Pioneer Pages impacted you?
Being on the staff of Pioneer Pages has taught me how to write properly. I have learned how to make opinions and learned how to write about them properly. Journalism has also kept me informed on all of the school and community events.
What advice do you have for upcoming Journalism students?
I recommend taking this class, as it does teach you a lot. I would also say keep up on your work, and you will be just fine. This class really isn’t hard if you continue to keep up on it.
What is your favorite high school memory?
My favorite high school memory is sophomore and junior year homecoming. Junior year prom was also very fun. These were events where everyone got to have fun and no drama took place.
What do you plan to do after high school?
I plan to attend VU to obtain my RN in the fall of 2024. I then will continue VU to get my BSN for the next two years. I want to specialize in pediatrics, but have not fully decided yet.