Ten ideas to do on the first sunny spring day.

Wash your car. It is so refreshing to have a clean car. In the winter when it snows you have so much buildup and grime from the salt and everything it makes you feel better to have a nice clean car.

Create a summer playlist on Spotify. I would create a summer playlist on Spotify to get me in the mood for spring and summer. Winter is dull and boring and spring and summer is a lot more exciting and fun!

Have a campfire in the evening. Most spring nights its still cool of an evening so it is nice to have a fire in the evening roast marshmallows and hot dogs.

Play basketball. you can spend a lot of time going outside and playing. I love playing basketball in the spring and summer.

Attend an outdoor concert. I would plan to attend an outdoor concert. If we have been stuck inside all winter it would be nice to be outside.

Watch the Sunset. The sky has been dark and dreary for months so it is time to watch the sun and its beauty.

Have a barbecue. Have some friends over and cook up some food outside.

Play some cornhole. Have some fun outside while you are having your barbecue by playing cornhole.

Take a walk with someone special. Take a walk and spend time with your someone special. This could take place in a park, etc

Open your windows and Spring Clean. Spring clean around the house and open your windows. It makes your house feel so much better to be clean and smell the outside air coming in.