Need a quick and easy way of showing your love? A bouqet of flowers will do the trick. You can find flowers in almost any grocery store for as low as $10.

Does your significant other or friend have a constant sweet tooth? A bag of candy as a Valentine’s gift would be the perfect solution. If you want to go the extra mile, make chocolate covered strawberries, a romantic and sweet gesture. You can find all you need at any grocery store, costing you anywhere from $5-$15.

Do you like keeping up with the trends? Buying your friend or significant other a set of LEGO flowers will guarantee you quality time building them together. These flowers can range from $20-$80 at your local Walmart.

If you’re looking to spice up the basic chocolate and flower gifts, look for matching underwear. You can find these on MeUndies, $40 for the set.

Another basic, yet thoughtful gift, a basic stuffed animal, maybe Valentine’s themed. You can find stuffed animals at almost any store or website. They can range from $5-$40 depending on the size. If you are feeling generous, I know people love giant sized stuffed bears.

A timeless gift is a card. A heartfelt way of giving a card is hand making them. A cheap yet efficient way of showing your love. You can create cards or buy them for $1-$5 at most stores.

Jewelry is almost always a Valentines Day go-to. You can find jewelry at any jewelry store or Walmart. Depending on the quality of jewelry, the price can start at $10 and go up from there.

If you’re looking for a gift to last, a personalized gift like this song plaque is the way to go. You can find so many personalized gifts on Etsy anywhere from $10-$100.

A quick and easy, yet generous gift is a gift card. These are an easy way of adding on to another small gift. You can find gift cards online, or in about any grocery store. The nice part about a gift card is that you can add whatever amount you want.

A generous gift for Valentine’s day would be cologne or perfume. You can find perfume and cologne at beauty stores and Walmart. Perfume and cologne can range from $10-$100.