Within the next couple of weeks there are a few important dates that everyone that should be aware of. There are a few school wide events and some that only apply to certain students, but regardless, everyone should be aware of what to expect.
Tuesday, January 30th
During the boys basketball game in Oblong, Illinois State Scholars from both Oblong High School and Palestine High School will be announced. There are going to be three seniors from Oblong and one senior from Palestine announced during halftime of the Varsity game. Here at Palestine, the Illinois State Scholar is Cydney Pethtel.
Friday, February 2nd
Believe it or not, this day marks midterm for the third quarter. Students that may have missing work should try to get it done before midterm so it doesn’t show up on the report card that is sent home.
Wednesday, February 7th
Students on the ACES team will be traveling on this day to Olney Central College to compete against other schools. It is important for these students to remember that the bus will leave the high school at 7:45 am. These students will arrive back at the school around 3:15 pm.
Tuesday, February 13th & Thursday, February 15thÂ
There will be OSHA 10 training for select students on both of these days. OSHA 10 training is important for any student that is thinking about being an entry level worker. One of the biggest things that the training course teaches is how to recognize, avoid, and prevent workplace hazards. Mr. Will has more information on OSHA 10 training for any students who may be interested.