As most of you already know, Mrs Hyde and the Drama Club are performing a play this year called “The History of Dating”.
This play goes through all kinds of years ranging from the 1920’s to modern day. talking about what dating was like while also using the lingo and slang from that time period.
If you are a student of Mrs Hyde’s, you have the opportunity to earn some extra credit! She tells all of her classes that if they go to the play and write a one page review of the play, they will receive extra credit for it.This is an excellent and very generous opportunity for any students who are not satisfied with their grade in her class or have some catching up to do. It also helps the Drama Club by getting more people to go see the play, and hearing feedback about their performance. It is simple–go to play either night, write a one page review, and turn it in to Mrs Hyde for 10 extra credit points in the essay category!
Any time the Drama Club puts on a play, you know it will never disappoint. Their actors/actresses really try to connect to the roles and not just play them, but be them as well. The lights and sounds also help to bring a larger connection, which is great for children. The backdrops and costumes are just like the cherry on top.
Drama Club is filled with many talented and creative individuals who always do anything and everything in their powers to make sure every play is more than perfect.