Don’t like what the school is making for lunch? DoorDash has your back! They can bring you lunch from almost any restaurant in Robinson or Palestine.
Students have been DoorDashing lunch all year. For example, the majority of the students have Taco Bell Dashed to the school. Students can have DoorDash bring the lunch of their choice to the door or office, eliminating the need to bring a lunch, buy a school lunch, or wait for an open campus Friday.
Mr. Will graciously is allowing us to DoorDash this year. The only requirement is that they must bring it into the office or leave it by the front door. For safety reasons, students can not go outside and meet them to receive their lunch; instead, all deliveries must come through the school.
DoorDash may actually be helping students eat more. In the past, if students didn’t like what the cafeteria was serving at school that day, they just wouldn’t eat lunch that day. Now they have the choice to eat what they want, without ever leaving the building.
It only takes around thirty minutes from when you place your order to when it arrives at the school, so most students order the the class period before their lunch to make sure it arrives in time for lunch.
We want to say a huge thank you to Mr. Will for allowing us to have the opportunity to DoorDash this year. And of course, we also want to thank the Dashers for bringing the food to the school!