Now that the dust has settled, local city workers are busy cleaning up the aftermath of the annual Labor Day Celebration in Palestine. City workers are busy cleaning up the streets and getting them back to daily operation. On top of cleaning the streets from the parade aftermath, signs will be taken down and stored away until next year. Banners that lined the top of Main Street will be folded away, ready to make their appearance again next September. The city workers have many things to take care of after Labor Day, but they also get a little help from the community and Chamber of Commerce.
Local Chamber members take care of cleaning up the rodeo arena and campground, which takes some of the clean up off the the city workers. They are also taking signs down and collecting trash from 200 campers so not only the arena, but the park is back to pre-labor day shape.
Business owners and community members are busy cleaning up their store fronts, and yards after their Labor Day sales and the highly anticipated Labor Day yard sales.
It takes a village they say to make things work, and it also takes a village to clean things up after the most attended event in Crawford County. We are so lucky to live in a community whom comes together to plan and hold such a great event that brings thousands of people to Palestine. We are even luckier that we live in a community who comes together to put our town back together after they leave our village.