Casey’s Popcorn Festival is back this Labor Day to provide us with treats and fun! The event begins on September 1st at Fairview Park, and ends on September 4th. The event opens up at 4 p.m., but the food is what most are after.
The foodstands, carnival, and Butterfield Market open at 5, with balloon rides beginning half an hour later. Doubles ILSHPA (Illinois State Horseshoe Pitching Association) begins at 6:30, and then Feudin Hillbillies will be playing at at 7. And that’s just day 1!
Day 2 includes a 7 a.m. KZ5k Fun Run/Walk, with ILSHPA following an hour later. A parade will be hosted at 10, and the opening ceremony and awards for ILSHPA are at the same time, as the foodstands, carnival, and Butterfield Market, with that time being 11. Chainsaw carvers are at 1, and you can sign up for the Cumberland Divide Open Mic at 3. Balloon rides are at 5:30, and Josh Gracin will play with the Well Hungarians one and a half hours later.
The next day begins at 8 a.m., with another game of ILSHPA. A community worship service will take place at 10:30 a.m., and at 11 the foodstands, carnival, and Buttefield Market open up. At the same time, the Lions Club Jonah Fish Fry begins. At noon there’ll be a car show, as well as a concert where Jake and Mikayla Roots will be playing. At 1, there’ll be chainsaw carvers, and at 4:15 there’ll be the Cumberland Divide Open Mic. At 5;30 the balloon rides will return, and at 7 Levi Riggs will play with Abbi Scott, with fireworks immediately after.
On Labor Day itself will be the Clark County Sheriff’s Association Breakfast at 7 a.m., with the foodstands, carnival, and Butterfield Market starting, once again, at 11. The Jeep Jam Fundraiser also starts at 11, and Crush Bon Jovi Experience begins at 2, as does Rotary Club Bessie Bingo. The festival closes at 6.