My Highschool Years
Alysa’s Senior Picture
May 18, 2023
So many times in high school, we students ask “When will we ever use this in our lives?” I, for one, thought this every time we learned a new concept in Pre Calc, wrote another essay in English, or solved stoichiometric equations in Chemistry. To be honest, I think we were all right about never actually using any of that in our lives. Regardless of what Academic State Standards we crossed off our list, we learned so much more in our high school years. Without my high school experiences I would have yet to learn how to have those hard conversations, how to tend to friendships and to be with them as much as possible, to not change who you are for other people, to not follow whatever the crowd is doing even if I feel left out, and to not take a moment of it for granted because our time together won’t last forever. While I didn’t realize this until now, my final week of high school, I am thankful for each day that I was able to spend at PHS. I may not have known it in the moment, but I have enjoyed my time here and will miss this chapter of my life.
The thing I want to remember most about my years at PHS are the people who I grew up with. Since we were young, we’ve spent what feels like every day with each other, whether it be inside or outside of school. Our group grew as we did, and we continued to make new memories together each day. Spending time with these people during lunch was the best part of my days in high school. I will miss having these people by my side each day.