2023 Crawford County CEO Trade Show

Flyer for the Show
April 14, 2023
The Crawford County CEO students this year, Zoey Rinesmith, Faith Watts, Allison Meese, Ian Rosbourogh, Chase Aldrich, Lane Lockhart, Madison Davis, and Macy Thompson will showcase their businesses at the event. There is seven businesses (Faith and Allison are teaming up) that will showcase their product or services available at the CEO tradeshow.
Zoey Rinesmith businesses are Zoey Mae Photography and Creations: she will have photography services, and homemade jewelry, keychains, and more from recycled materials.
Faith and Allison are the owners of Faith and Allison Co. They sell customized glass cups, tumblers, keychain, and car charms
Madison Davis owns Davis Designs and creates custom clothing items.
Macy Thomson owns Always Aesthetic and sells custom sublimation metal tumblers
Lane Lockhart owns Rugged Patriot Scents and sell manly scented soaps
Chase Aldrich owns Aldrich Pressure Washing and sells the service of pressure washing drive ways, sidewalks, and siding.
Ian Rosbourough owns IMR Drone Services and sells the service of drone flying over crops, for real estate and more.
You should make plans to attend this event and support some great kids with bright futures.